The Kimberly Bognot Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Kimberly Bognot Memorial Scholarship Fund

Kimberly Bognot was born in the Philippines on August 9, 1989. She attended Clark County schools throughout her childhood and adolescence, with grades reflecting her commitment to education. Not only did Kimberly have intelligence, but she also possessed beauty and strength. She loved to stay active and enjoyed socializing with friends. Her outward vibrance and smile hid the fact that she was silently struggling internally. At age 14, while a freshman at Green Valley High School, Kimberly tragically left this world. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please seek help. Kimberly’s light will forever be missed as she continues to be a free spirit. The Kimberly Bognot Memorial Scholarship was established to honor her name and memory for many years to come.