Dreamer Scholarship - Making a Difference

College bound Clark County, Nevada, seniors with a 2.0 or higher GPA who are undocumented may apply for this scholarship. Student must be involved in community service and plan to attend CSN, Nevada State College, UNLV or UNR. Scholarship recipient must enroll the Fall semester after their high school graduation with no exceptions. Up to four scholarships in the amount of $750 each will be awarded.

This scholarship is in honor of founder, Loretta Harper, who was a counselor at Desert Pines High School. Recipients will be selected by a panel of 3-5 immigration advocates and college access champions from Las Vegas non-profit organizations.

Verification of college enrollment (class schedule) will be required during the summer before a check is mailed to the college. Scholarship funds must be applied toward tuition, fees and other appropriate educational expenses. These funds will be disbursed in equal payments over two semesters.

Dreamer Scholarship - Making a Difference
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your place of birth? (include city and country)
  2. Are you eligible to apply for FAFSA grants and loans for college? (If you can apply for FAFSA, you are not qualified for this scholarship)
  3. Have you previously been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status (DACA)? (not required for this scholarship)
  4. Which Nevada college or university are you planning to attend?
  5. Essay - "How will this scholarship make college a possibility for me?" Up to 300 words
  6. Please explain why you financially need this scholarship.
  7. Please upload a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, administrator, coach or advisor.
  8. Please upload your birth certificate (if available)
  9. Please provide a copy of your letter of admission to a college or university (if available):
  10. Please upload your resume.
  11. Please upload your most current transcript (unofficial).
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