Alvin and Edna Perkiss Certification-Associate's Degree Scholarship

College bound seniors living in Clark County, Nevada, with a 2.99 or lower GPA who are interested in attending a post secondary institution in Nevada to obtain a program certification or an Associate’s Degree may apply for this scholarship. Student may be a senior at a charter, private, or CCSD high school. Community service and financial need will be considered. The amount of this scholarship is $1,000 per semester and is renewable for up to five semesters.

Verification of enrollment (class schedule) will be required during the summer before check is mailed to the college, university, or trade school. Scholarship funds must be applied toward tuition, fees and other appropriate educational expenses. This fund will be disbursed by semester upon meeting requirements and donor approval.

Perkiss Fund
$1,000.00 Per Semester - Renewable
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you plan on attending a college or university in Nevada?
  2. Do you plan to obtain a certificate or associate's degree?
  3. What field of study will you pursue?
  4. What is your plan once you complete the program or receive your associate's degree?
  5. What is your yearly family income?
  6. Please upload your most current transcript (unofficial).
  7. Please upload your resume.
  8. Please upload a "Financial Need Letter" explaining why you need assistance with your college/school expenses.
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