2024 NV AFL-CIO Arnold/Jones/Evans Scholarship

Nevada high school seniors in the graduating class of 2024 with a 2.0 or higher GPA may apply for this scholarship. One parent must be an active or retired member in good standing of any local union affiliated with the Nevada State AFL-CIO. Student must be planning to attend a college, university, vocational or trade school. Five scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each will be offered.

Verification of college enrollment (class schedule) will be required during the summer before a check is mailed to the college. Scholarship funds must be applied toward tuition, fees and other appropriate educational expenses. These funds will be disbursed in equal payments over two semesters.

For a list of NV AFL-CIO union affiliates, please visit our website here: https://www.nvaflcio.org/eboard-details/affiliates/44387

Supplemental Questions
  1. Is your parent an active or retired member in good standing of any local union affiliated with the Nevada State AFL-CIO?
  2. Please list the Local Union & Local Union number of your parent who is an active or retired member in good standing of any local union affiliated with the Nevada State AFL-CIO.
  3. Statement of your career goals. Please include the name of school you will be attending after high school and your career goals.
  4. Please upload your most current transcript (unofficial).
  5. Essay - 1,000 words minimum: Union participation continues to increase as Gen Z members enter the workforce and the landscape of work changes. What do you think a successful union looks like in the future, and what examples of a change today could lead the way? How has growing up in a union household shaped the way you view unions/how has that changed your understanding of labor rights?